Commercial Clients

We can work with your business to create a safe and healthy workspace. Whether you need regular drug screening services, want to provide a biometric health screening for employees, or have special testing and vaccination needs at your business, the experts at Westside Wellness can help. From on-site TB skin testing at childcare facilities to on-site flu vaccine clinics for retail centers, we can do it all! Contact us for more information on how we can add value to your employees and clients through commercial services.


Biometric health screenings

Biometric health screenings are evaluations intended to identify current and potential medical problems. It is generally done onsite at a client’s worksite, but Biometric testing can also be arranged on a drop in basis by appointment at our clinic.

Each biometric screening will measure these essential health factors:

  • Height measurement
  • Weight measurement
  • BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Blood pressure
  • Waist circumference (abdominal girth)
  • Fasting glucose/Blood sugar (the amount of sugar in the blood)
  • Total cholesterol

Flu clinics

For groups of 10 or more, Westside Wellness can come to your place of business at your convenience to administer influenza vaccinations between the months of October and May (when flu season starts and ends).


Urine drug screening

Westside Wellness provides the detection of multiple drugs and drug metabolites in the clinic (for your group or 10 or more).

We offer the following screenings:

6 panel: Cocaine, Opiates, THC, Amphetamines, and Methamphetamines, & PCP

10 panel: includes the six above tests along with Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates, Methadone, & Propoxyphene (Darvon)


Health and wellness shots

We offer on site shots for wellness given at your place of business. Scheduled and/or routine visits can be made to service you and your employees at your convenience. 


TB skin testing

Your group of 10 or more can be scheduled with administration at your convenience with a follow up appointment for readings 48-72 hours later.



For your group of 10 or more; these can be scheduled upon notification at your place of business for no additional fee.